Jim Stynes Bridge – Melbourne
Jim Stynes Bridge
The Jim Stynes Bridge is a beautiful pedestrian bridge located over the Yarra River on the harbor edge of the City of Melbourne, Australia.
The new bridge provides a vital link for pedestrians, cyclists and commuters to Melbourne’s Central Business District.
Its design is an elegant integration of structure, architecture, urban design and landscape.
Designed as a horizontal suspension bridge, its exposed steel structure arches 30 meters above the river creating the illusion that it is floating unsupported over the river and passing under the Charles Grimes Bridge.
It was later named Jim Stynes in honor of the prominent Irish-born Australian rules football player who died in 2012. Two bronze plaques framing his achievements are installed at each end of the bridge.
Fue bautizado luego Jim Stynes en honor al prominente jugador de futbol australiano nacido en Irlanda que falleció en 2012. Dos placas de bronce que enmarcan sus logros están instaladas en cada extremo del puente.

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